Marine Two Stage Air Compressor - Marine Air Cooled Air Compressor - Hi-sea

Marine Two Stage Air Compressor

Marine Two Stage Air Compressor

Marine Two Stage Air Compressor


Marine two-stage air compressors are used in a variety of marine applications, including providing compressed air for pneumatic tools, supplying air for starting diesel engines, powering pneumatic control systems, and providing air for various other high pressure uses. Overall, marine two-stage air compressors are highly efficient and reliable compressors that are well-suited for use in marine environments. Their ability to produce compressed air at higher pressure levels makes them ideal for a wide range of high pressure marine applications, and their air-cooled or water-cooled designs help to reduce vibration and noise during operation. 

Simple and convenient
Reliable and durable
Small volume
Light weight

Type:air-cooling,two-stage compression
Displacement capacity range:10-70 m3/h
Discharge pressure:4.0 Mpa
Note:our marine air compressor can be customized according to your requirements.

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