Marine Window - Marine Window - Hi-sea

Marine Window

Marine Window

There are various windows in ship cabins, such as portholes, square windows, fireproof windows, etc. In terms of material, there are steel windows, aluminum windows and brass windows. From the perspective of their appearance, there are rectangular windows (Rectangular windows are used in superstructures without watertight requirements, and the pressure is less than 50Pa) and round windows (usually portholes). According to the watertight pressure bearing capacity, it can be divided into heavy (20Pa), ordinary (50~100Pa) and light (below 20Pa). According to the opening type, it can be divided into left and right inward opening or left and right outward opening.

Product List

Marine Window

Marine Steel Window

Marine Aluminum Window

The Choice of windows

Generally, the crew cabin has one window, and the senior crew’s living room has two windows. There are 2 to 4 windows in public cabins, such as restaurants and smoking rooms, where the outer sidewall is viewed. If the structural strengthening is not restricted, the cabins below the boundary line should be provided with daylighting portholes, but the number should be minimized.

Portholes, boats generally use ø300mm, the minimum is ø250mm, and large and medium-sized ones usually use ø350mm or more. For square windows, suitable windows are also matched according to the rib spacing, and watertight pressure requirements are also considered.

The light transmission size 300mm×400mm can bear 50Pa pressure, 350mm×50mm, 400mm×550mm, 450mm×600mm can bear 20Pa pressure. In the general cabin windows in the superstructure, large-size (550mm×600mm, 600mm×700mm, 800mm×900mm) windows are used for cabs that require a wide field of vision.

The Installation of Windows

The window layout should be conducive to uniform lighting in the room. If the two adjacent walls of the cabin are both outer walls, open windows on both walls at the same time and deviate from the angle of the two walls, which is beneficial to the uniform distribution of the indoor illumination. In fact, opening windows relative to the two walls can make the light distribution more ideal. However, except for the halls or cabins, the general empty cabins or living rooms are less likely to be set up in this way, and the rooms that can be opened on both adjacent walls are not. many. When the windows can only be arranged on one side, a window is best in the middle of the room length. The two windows should be properly opened so that there is a certain amount of light on both sides.

The height of the eyes when a person stands is 1300~1700mm. Generally, the height of the center line of the cabin window can be set at 1500mm or 1650mm, except for those who are required to be able to watch the outside scenery while sitting on the cruise ship.

The Definition of the Opening Direction to the Windows

Look ahead from the opening side, the hinge of the window frame is on the left called left(L) opening window. The hinge of the window frame is on the right called right(R) opening window.

The hinge of the window frame is fixed on the top(T) called top-hinged side window.

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