Marine Watertight Hatch Cover - Marine Hatch - Hi-sea

Marine Watertight Hatch Cover

Marine Watertight Hatch Cover


The watertight hatch cover is an important outfitting device. It is used to cover the hatch and protect the cargo in the cabin from wind, waves and rain. When the ship is loading and unloading cargo, it can be easily opened and closed, and the cargo hatch cover should have sufficient strength to ensure that it will not deform under specified wind waves or other set loads and affect its use. Watertight hatch covers can be made of aluminum and steel.


Cover Coaming Lock Seal

Configuration selection

Part name


Pros & Cons

Cover plate


Light weightEasy to shapeAnti-rust.


easy to rust, brittle and wear resistant. Fireproof



Light weightEasy to shapeAnti-rust.



Withstand pressure, fire prevention


Sturdy and not easy to damage, and resistant to seawater corrosion


easy to rust, brittle and wear resistant.


Neoprene rubber

Excellent Watertight performance



rustproof, less brittle


easy to rust, brittle and wear resistant.


High strength, high hardness

Options according to user requirements





Wing clips

Single side opening

Wedge clips

Double side opening


Quick action

Hinge position

Long side, short side, four side equivalent

Comparison Difference

Other manufacturers low quality hatch

HI-SEA high quality hatch

Features and consequences

1. The thickness of the plate does not meet the actual requirements, and the water pressure resistance performance is bad;

2. The handle is made of carbon steel and is easy to break;

3. The hinges are made of carbon steel, easy to rust;

4. The quality of the seal (PVC) is low, easy to deform, has a pungent smell, and has a short lifespan, which may cause water in the cabin, resulting in property damage, and in severe cases, endangering the safety of the ship's navigation.

1. The coaming and cover is strictly in accordance with the IMO standard, and has passed the hydro test of various classification societies to meet the marine standard.

2. The stainless steel handle has a sturdy structure.

3. The high-quality hatch cover sealant ensures that the deformation of the hull, hatch coaming and hatch cover can be allowed during the voyage, and the hatch cover can be sealed under any circumstances.

Drawing & Specifications

type access way size a1*b1 a2*b2 δ δ0 h
A 500*500 532*532 588*588 3 4 50
600*600 632*632 688*688
B 450*600 482*632 538*688 3 4 50
650*800 686*836 738*888 4
C 350*500 382*532 438*588 3 4 50
450*600 482*632 538*688
D φ600 φ636 φ640 3 2.5 27

Main Products

Marine Watertight Hatch Cover

Quick Acting Watertight Hatch Cover

Aluminum Watertight Hatch Cover

Aluminum Sunk Watertight Hatch Cover

Quick acting watertight hatch cover is suitable for high-pressure watertight entrances and exits with fast opening and closing requirements on all types of ships

Aluminum watertight hatch cover is used for cargo and store on exposed deck. It has advantages of light weight, good tightness and flexible operation.

Aluminum sunk watertight hatch cover is used in main passage way of ship cabin or deck where the flush is needed. Its advantage is light weight, good watertightness and flexible-opening.

Product Showing

Quick Acting Watertight Hatch Cover

Aluminum Watertight Hatch Cover

Aluminum Sunk Watertight Hatch Cover

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